Caltrans News Flash #224 - Reflective Sleeves Increase Visibility of School Crosswalk Signs and Stop Signs


District: District 9
Contact: Christine Knadler
Phone: (760) 937-7217

BIG PINE — In this News Flash, see how Caltrans is increasing safety for pedestrians by enhancing the visibility of school crosswalk signs and stop signs.

Caltrans' number one priority is safety, both of the general public and of the employees who work on the roads. School crossings are hotspots for pedestrian activity, and in an effort to increase driver awareness, Caltrans is adding retro reflective sleeves to school crosswalk signs and stop signs to boost their visibility to oncoming traffic.

Caltrans News Flash #224

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This News Flash is the 224th in a series of videos highlighting Caltrans’ activities that present the wide-ranging and critical work that Caltrans does to enhance California’s economy and livability. To see more of these and other videos, search for #CaltransNewsFlash on Twitter or go to