District: District 2
Contact: Lupita Franco, Caltrans District 2
Phone: (530) 604-4817
Contact: Dan Little, SRTA
Phone: (530) 262-6190
DISTRICT 2 — Caltrans today announced that $2.7 billion in competitive grants funded through the Road Repair and Accountability Act of 2017 (SB 1) were awarded to 64 projects throughout California to tackle congestion, support valuable trade corridors and bolster local agency efforts to invest in transportation. These three programs, the Solutions for Congested Corridors, Trade Corridor Enhancement and Local Partnership Programs are vital infrastructure improvement programs created by SB 1.
"California is expected to keep growing, both economically and in population. These projects funded by SB 1 will help to ensure that we can keep our economy moving and growing, and ease commutes for our residents so they can move efficiently between destinations."
The California Transportation Commission (CTC) approved the grants during their May commission meeting in San Diego. Caltrans District 2 (D2) and the Shasta Regional Transportation Agency (SRTA) had jointly submitted the Redding to Anderson Six-Lane (RASL) project for a $65.7 million grant under the SB1 Trade Corridor Enhancement Program (TCEP). The official approval by the CTC today is received with excitement
The Redding to Anderson Six-Lane project on Interstate 5 is one giant step closer to construction.
"Interstate 5 is a key arterial for the movement of goods and people from California and the Pacific Northwest. The North State will benefit greatly from this improvement made possible several years sooner with the infusion of funding from SB1."
"Anyone who regularly travels this stretch of Interstate 5 knows it can get uncomfortable as cars and heavy trucks merge and pass. The six-lane expansion gives us all more elbow room to safely and efficiently travel the corridor, including the trains intersecting below and the safety of our first responders and maintenance workers."
"Without SB1 funding, we would not have a project. Currently with TCEP and other SB1 funding plus local funds, the project is now fully funded and programmed for construction."
Trade Corridor Enhancement Program
California is the nation’s largest gateway for international trade and domestic commerce, and freight movement generates about a third of California’s $2.2 trillion economy. Because of its importance and expected growth, SB 1 provides $300 million annually for projects related to the routes and transportation infrastructure vital to California’s trade and freight economy.
Three years’ worth of funding (fiscal years 2017-20) totaling approximately $1.4 billion was awarded to 28 projects, valued at more than $4 billion. The North State was awarded with $65.7 million SB1 funding for one project on Interstate 5 in Shasta County:
The Redding to Anderson Six-Lane (RASL) Project – will add an additional northbound and southbound lane on Interstate 5 from the Deschutes Road interchange to just south of the Bonnyview/Churn Creek Road interchange, making it a continuous 6 lane facility. Other improvements include rehabilitating the exiting pavement, new median barrier, guard railing, overhead signs and upgraded lighting.
Safety improvements include longer acceleration lanes for slower moving trucks. The project also includes the widening of 8 structures as well as replacement of the Anderson Creek Bridge and the South Anderson Railroad Overhead. I-5 traffic will be managed with additional Intelligent Transportation Systems.
Construction for the $120 million project is slated to start in November 2018 with work continuing through 2021.
The RASL project is sponsored by Caltrans and SRTA. In addition to using SB1 funding (TCEP), it uses other State and Federal funding from the State Transportation Improvement Program, the State Highway Operation Protection Program, and local funds from Shasta County and the City of Anderson.
Statewide Project Awards List
Final approved project list, by county, for the Trade Corridor Enhancement Program:
- Final Adopted: 2018 Amended Project List (PDF) - June 26, 2019
More information on the program can be found on the CTC's SB 1 Trade Corridor Enhancement Program web page.
The Road Repair and Accountability Act (SB 1), the landmark transportation infrastructure bill signed by Governor Brown in April 2017, invests $54 billion over the next decade to fix roads, freeways and bridges in communities across California and puts more dollars toward transit and safety. These funds will be split equally between state and local investments. For complete details on SB 1, visit www.rebuildingca.ca.gov.